Whatever sport or activity you like, it's essential to stay hydrated. I guarantee you have chosen at least one of these three choices to take water or electrolytes drinks with you (or consume them at the office) as runners are either training for hours on end away from possibilities to replenish water bottles or competing with minimal rehydration stations.


  • water containers

  • Flasks 

  • Bladders


And you'll be aware that proper maintenance is crucial to preventing bacterial growth, extending the lifespan of your kits, and maintaining reasonable operating costs (see what I did there? 

best materials for water bottles


Do you want to know how to clean a 32 oz water bottle with straw? Because let's face it, we have all been known to leave one in a bag or a car for too long, giving it that musty stench. How do you eliminate it? Is there still time?


These methods are not restricted to the running gear you bring along, as plastic is probably what those bottles are made of. Any water bottle you use, made of stainless steel, glass, plastic, or aluminum, can be cleaned using these methods. And remember that even though it contains water, it needs to be cleaned thoroughly to avoid bacteria or unpleasant odors.


How To Get Your Water Bottle's Stale Smell Away.

These instructions will work for any bottle or flask that requires a thorough cleaning due to a bacterial odor; they are as durable as old boots and can withstand a boil-save or dishwasher rather than being thrown out. But first, confirm with the manufacturer's instructions!


  1. The solution is routine cleaning with a sponge, bottle brush, soap, and warm water. Daily washing will stop odor-producing gremlins from expanding too quickly and becoming a source of additional. Invest in a long brush because, more often than not, bacteria can be found at the bottle's bottom, which is difficult to access while washing.

  2. After being left in your exercise bag, your bottle has a faintly weird odor. Even one day without washing can result in a smell. Consider putting it in boiling water overnight and smelling it.


  1. Save the day with baking soda! Due to its deodorizing properties, gold dust is used a LOT in cleaning treatments. Fill the troublesome water bottle with lukewarm water, add two heaping tablespoons, and let it sit for a few hours, preferably overnight.


  1. Soak in white vinegar. Didn't anything so far work? Please hold off on throwing out your bottle because we might still be able to salvage it. It appears that your vinegar bottle is fighting back against the surprise vinegar's ability to eliminate odors. Soak it overnight in white vinegar, filling it up to the top (you can dilute it if you don't have enough). In the morning, rinse and wash it with warm, soapy water. Yes, I am aware of your concern; the overnight soak may have left a faint vinegar scent; however, don't panic; another overnight soak in boiling water will take care of that.


You probably were unaware of these little hints and tricks. I've developed the habit of continuously washing the bottle carrier, but did you know that once they are completely dry, flasks and water bladders can be kept in the freezer to stop the formation of bacteria?


Water-soluble pills are an ideal and rapid solution if you need to save your bottle immediately and eliminate stains, odors, and strange tastes. Put the tablet in the container, add the liquid, and wait 15 minutes. After a thorough rinse and air drying, you're ready to leave.